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  • Who We Are

    A Peer-to-Peer Support and Outreach for Cardiac & CHD Patients and Families

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    Mended Hearts

    Going through a heart event can be a challenging experience. We are heart patients and caregivers ourselves. We get it. Mended Hearts’ physician endorsed, peer-to-peer support network helps patients and caregivers from diagnoses through the journey of recovery with social, emotional and practical support.


    Mended Hearts is a national non-profit organization that has been offering the gift of hope to heart disease patients, their families and friends for over 50 years. We are here to provide one-on-one support and outreach to cardiac patients and families.


    Whether an adult or a child, a cardiac event or diagnosis is a stressful event on a family. We will match you up with others who have already been through this difficult time. We provide this support through one on one meetings, educational presentations and networking and in-hospital visiting programs.

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    Spokane Chapter

    The Spokane chapter #393 was formed in 2014 to bring one-on-one support for cardiac patients and families. Spokane is proud to host both a Mended Hearts and a Mended Little Hearts.


    Spokane's chapter represents how successful a Mended Hearts and Mended Little Hearts Chapter combined can be. Spokane's cardiac community of patients, families and friends has long needed an organization for support, outreach and education. Educational meetings, networking events and peer to peer connections will help you get through this trying time.

    Our Advisory Board

    Dave Peden, Coffman Engineers (Chairman)

    Hubert Langenhorst. Langenhorst CPA

    Johanna Bakker, Providence Volunteer Services

    Janine Siwek

    Kim Grippi, Providence Cardiac Nursing

    Jim Carollo

    Ryan Schaefer, Providence Hospital

    Mended Hearts of Spokane

    Chapter Officers

    President: Kathleen Sullivan Garman

    Educational Coordinator: Irice Milligan

    Secretary & Hospitality Chair: Tina Danzig

    Treasurer: Tanya Pomrenke

    Hospital Visiting Coordinator: Jen Volland

    Transplant Visitation - Nikki Myers

    PR & Newsletter - OPEN

    Grants and Fundraising: Regina Winkler

    Cardiac Rehabilitation Coordinator: Shaina Hicks

    Mended Little Hearts of Spokane Chapter Coordinators

    President: Kathleen Sullivan Garman

    Educational Coordinator: Irice Milligan

    Outreach Coordinator: Ryan Hendershot

    Treasurer: Tanya Pomrenke

    Teen Coordinator: Megan Decker

    Patient Liaison: Ryan Hendershot

    Hospitality Chair: Tina Danzig

    Grants and Fundraising: Sara Toner

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  • Happenings in our chapter

    Spokane Chapter was spotlighted in Heart Beat magazine.

    Click here to read more

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  • Donate Today

    How does Mended Hearts use your donation? 100% of donations are used within the charity to further our goal of patient support. We use your donations for “Bravery Bags” for children in the hospital; for toys and other sources of entertainment while they are waiting or recovering from their heart procedure. These bags could include books to read or journals for the caregiver or patient to track appointments, medical questions or thoughts. We provide resource guides for patients on various heart topics, educational meetings for members, informational brochures and cards in visiting areas and doctor’s offices and patient emotional care and support. All of our directors, board members and members are volunteers and are not compensated in any way for working within Mended Hearts.

    Click HERE to donate