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How does Mended Hearts use your donation? 100% of donations are used within the charity to further our goal of patient support. We use your donations for “Bravery Bags” for children in the hospital; for toys and other sources of entertainment while they are waiting or recovering from their heart procedure. These bags could include books to read or journals for the caregiver or patient to track appointments, medical questions or thoughts. We provide coffee gift carts for families in the hospital, journals, bravery tokens and other items to help the heart patients and their families cope with their situation. We provide resource guides for patients on various heart topics, educational meetings for members, informational brochures and cards in visiting areas and doctor’s offices and patient emotional care and support. All of our directors, board members and members are volunteers and are not compensated in any way for working within Mended Hearts.
Our Bravery Bag Program has been generously supported by the following organizations:
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